Yard Waste / Compost site

During Hunting Season Compost Site temporarily closed

Possible reopen pending weather conditions

Royalton has a compost site located on South Birch Street - past Lund Inc. (the old Newmans Bldg).

Residents inside the City Limits may get a key at the following places:


City Hall 12 N Birch 320-584-5900
Kara Sowada 920 Pine Ct 320-250-7017
Brenda Weiss-Pesta 710 2nd St SE 612-280-4077
Kurt Schott 823 Oak St N 507-251-9478 
Robert Lanners 115 Hawthorn St S 320-260-3821
Denny Cekalla 727 Evergreen 320-360-8394
Marci Gallus 104 North Elm 320-584-5870


Residents outside the City Limits may purchase a seasonal pass to access the compost site.   
These passes may be purchased at City Hall. 320-584-5900

$5 for a one-time pass
$20 for an annual pass
(picture ID is required)

City Hall is open Monday - Thursday 8am - 4 pm.